Extra earnings that can enhance your life in every way.
you sign up for TATA OK TADNYA, the pre-owned
vehicle referral scheme.
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TATA OK TADNYA - The Pre-Owned Vehicle Referral Scheme Set to Change Lives
Think of all the amazing ways that extra earnings can change your life — surprising your
loved ones with gifts, adding to your children’s education fund, expanding your business.
Now, imagine you can do so just by referring people with-in your network!
For every successful conversion, you get a commission, as well as the satisfaction that you
have helped someone else fulfil their dreams just as much as you’ve gotten closer to
achieving yours!
Tata OK is India’s largest and most trusted brand for buying, selling
and exchanging Tata trucks, with 120 quality checks, engine warranty, 100% document
transfer and 80%*+ financing.